Thursday, November 9, 2017

Extremely Helpful Writing Tips from Great Writers

helpful writing tips

As we attempt to polish our craft and become better writers, it is always a good thing to get some helpful writing tips – especially from those who are already great creative writers. Sometimes when we write, we come across that one phrase or technique that lets us distinguish between how we are currently writing and how we are capable of writing. These are moments when we move to the next level with our craft. Getting helpful writing tips from great authors allow us to have even more of these wonderful moments.

I came across several great tips recently and have listed them below. There are several of these writing tips that I have saved in my writing journal so that I can apply them to my daily writing routine. I urge you to take the some time to review these tips. There could very well be some potential life changers in there 🙂

8 writing tips from authors who won the Nobel

Writing tips from authors who won the Nobel (such as Toni Morrison and Gabriel Garcia Marquez) are often worth taking to heart. Read 8 of the best pieces of writing advice from acclaimed authors:

1. Don’t use dead language

Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993. In her Nobel lecture, Morrison contrasts ‘dead language’ that ‘thwarts the intellect, stalls conscience, suppresses human potential’ with language that is used with awareness and care. She classes sexist and racist language as the former, saying that they are ‘the policing languages of mastery, and cannot, do not permit new knowledge or encourage the mutual exchange of ideas.’


20 Writing Tips from Fiction Authors

Writing success boils down to hard work, imagination and passion—and then some more hard work. iUniverse Publishing fires up your creative spirit with 20 writing tips from 12 bestselling fiction authors.

Use these tips as an inspirational guide—or better yet, print a copy to put on your desk, home office, refrigerator door, or somewhere else noticeable so you can be constantly reminded not to let your story ideas wither away by putting off your writing.

Tip1: “My first rule was given to me by TH White, author of The Sword in the Stone and other Arthurian fantasies and was: Read. Read everything you can lay hands on. I always advise people who want to write a fantasy or science fiction or romance to stop reading everything in those genres and start reading everything else from Bunyan to Byatt.” — Michael Moorcock

Tip 2: “Protect the time and space in which you write. Keep everybody away from it, even the people who are most important to you.” — Zadie Smith

Tip 3: “Introduce your main characters and themes in the first third of your novel. If you are writing a plot-driven genre novel make sure all your major themes/plot elements are introduced in the first third, which you can call the introduction. Develop your themes and characters in your second third, the development. Resolve your themes, mysteries and so on in the final third, the resolution.” — Michael Moorcock


30 Indispensable Writing Tips From Famous Authors

Writing is easy: All you have to do is start writing, finish writing, and make sure it’s good.But here’s some vastly more useful wisdom and advice from people who seriously know what the hell they’re talking about.





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